My Accent
Over the past five months, I have been in Spain while being immersed in the Spanish language the entire time. I took university classes in Spanish last semester and now I have an internship where I speak solely in Spanish. I also speak the language at home given that I am living with a host family. I have certainly made progress in Spanish, but that is not to say that the language learning process doesn't come with its peaks and valleys. I feel it is important that I share not only the high points but the low points as well, because I think there is much to be learned by reflection on the low points. Lately, I have been reflecting on the relationship I have with my foreign accent. Having a foreign accent is new for me given that I am a native English speaker and I haven't spent extended periods of time in other countries besides the United States. As I write this post, I am in a valley and have various thoughts going through my mind; I wonder why it has taken me so long t...